Build your own!
Here you can find a simple tutorial how you can star and deplay it fast and easy in vercel.
Login in vercel
Go to Vercel (opens in a new tab) and login or register, you can register with github to make the whole process even easier.
Add new project
In the dashboard click 'Add New...' and from the dropdown select 'Project'.
(opens in a new tab)
Then in the right panel with the templates click 'Browse All Templates →' and search for 'Nextra'
After you ave find it you select it click 'Deploy' and follow the instractions.
Clone the repository
git clone <your_repo_url>
Install Node.js
If you have Node.js already install in your system you can skip this step.
First install curl
sudo apt-get install curl
Then run the following command, you can change the version changing the setup_XX.x
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - &&\
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Install pnpm
If you have pnpm already install in your system you can skip this step.
Then you can install pnpm just runnig this command
npm install -g pnpm
Start localy
First you have to install the necessary dependencies by running
pnpm i
(Make sure to be in the repository's folder before running the command else it is not going to work)
and finally you can start the server by runnig
pnpm dev